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Cathy Wiskel

Universal Life Coach

About me …

Drawing from a heightened sense of intuition, I have integrated my ability to receive messages from animals, guides, nature, numbers and universal energy into a life coaching practice with the desire to help others better understand their own unique strengths, to recognize the many synchronicities that are occurring in their lives, and to positively direct their thoughts and emotions to attain prosperity, health, joy and success.

Life Coaching Sessions include:

Intuitive Messages ~ Messages received from spirit animals and guides will be shared with each individual.

Life Path Analysis ~ Providing a detailed analysis of an individual’s birth numbers to determine their unique life path with a general focus on family, relationships, health and prosperity.

Strengths Development ~ Helping an individual recognize their innate strengths and weaknesses, explaining the possible challenges they may encounter, and developing tools to bring about positive change in their life.

Goal Setting ~ Assisting with setting and attaining achievable goals by drawing on the universal laws of attraction, expectation and intention.

Relationships ~ Helping an individual better understand why they may be encountering challenges with a family member, friend or loved one and assisting with making positive changes; or assisting with the development of building a new relationship.

Health and Well-Being ~Helping an individual determine why they may be experiencing some health challenges and developing a strategy on making incremental changes to help achieve optimum health and well-being.

Other services offered:

Children ~ Providing a detailed analysis of the innate strengths and weaknesses of children, including high-needs and/or gifted children, to develop effective teaching tools for parents, teachers and caregivers to bring about positive change.

End of Life ~ Guiding individuals to a better understanding of death, explaining the transition of the soul from the human body to spirit, in a comfortable, open and compassionate manner.

Reiki ~ Energy healing through a “hands-on” approach can be included in the session.

Rate: Each session is $75 for 1 hour, and includes a brief written summary.
